Good Morning! This morning I will direct my prayers unto thee... God, I thank you in advance for the victory today. Thank you Father. I'm far more blessed than I deserve at times. Folks, sometimes you have to dig deep to the core, praise God in the trenches and create a better reality for yourself.

My short time on this planet has taught me that LIFE is a crazy,unpredictable, delicate and ridiculously interesting set of interwoven circumstances... Pay attention to what matters and take care of who counts.

Find that person who believes in you — and then listen to them, even if you don't like what they're saying. It's great to see someone fight through adversity and get the opportunity to achieve something they dreamed about their entire life. people need to learn to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

Yes it is True... There will always be naysayers....But you do not have to listen to them... Work your plan, give your dreams your everything and shine anyway. EVERYDAY I see it. It's beautiful when the work pays off... Relentlessly stalk your dreams and they will eventually yield. TRUST ME!!!


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