iCupids, Patrick Cowherd, Champion's Cup
After much thought I felt this was worth sharing, even though I wont share all of it, i hope you can gain something from a section of what I was going to post last evening. It's about to get deep so please don't drown..... 

Some may believe in you when you don't believe in yourself. Best way to show gratitude is to live it up to those expectations and not give up. On those days when you want to slack off and be "regular," think about all the people who are counting on you to be extraordinary. Rather than focusing on proving your critics wrong, focus on proving your advocates right. Shift your energy from the people who always have something negative to say towards the people who constantly speak a word of hope and love. We're fragile. And it's ok to admit that and own it. It's also ok to selfishly surround ourselves with people who shower us with inspiration.

Something powerful happens when you pay more attention to words of affirmation spoken into your life than you do words of condemnation. Find those people whose words and actions have the power to lift you out of dark places. Build lasting bonds with those people. Love them. There are people who are sent into your life for one purpose: call you to your higher self. They help walk you out of despair and hopelessness.

And ladies and gentlemen, this is why who your significant other is matters so much. It can't just be based on how you feel about them. The person you wake up to everyday of your life has the greatest influence on you. They will/already do shape so much of who you are. Don't fall in love by accident. Yes, be open to possibility. But be very intentional about making a choice that factors in the years to come. Think about what you want to hear for the rest of your life. Do they speak words of life? Is purpose and destiny written on their face?

It's hard to believe you have a purpose? That there is work for you to do besides collecting a check to pay some bills? Well live on purpose!! Stop getting by on mediocrity. What are you not doing because you're too busy trying not to stand out? We need more people to be above average. We wonder why someone has the power to consume our thoughts. We think its destiny when it's only a distraction, taking us away from purpose. The enemy wants to see you fail. To never even try. There's so much at stake in you rising up....

I encourage you all to take that this part of it in and let marinate in your brain for a while... Pray and see if there are changes you may need to make on your life journey. If changes need to be made then do what is best for you... Knowing what's best for you comes from being able to distinguish your feelings from your wisdom, and knowing how to hold the two in balance. 


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