Unfortunately, some coaches and leagues look at the high drop out rates and assume that the best approach is one that minimizes parental involvement.  As in school, kids benefit greatly from positive parental actions.   While sports provide a framework for learning, it up to the parents to make sure their child learns the needed physical skills and life lessons.  Leagues focus on administration and coaches focus on teams.   Only parents focus exclusively on their child's needs and can put everything into perspective.

To use professional sports as an analogy, parents are their child's managers.   Parents help make sure their child is:

- Having fun

- Properly equipped

-Receiving good training

- Understanding the sport

- Approaching practices and games with the right attitude

- Not overdoing

- Learning life lessons

- Playing for as long as possible

For your complimentary copy of "Building All-Star Kids - Keep Your Kids Playing Longer and Better in Youth Sports" send us an email to Icupidshorts@gmail.com 9.95 value.  You only pay Shipping/Handling $5


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